Monday, May 9, 2011

another sunny day

I just got back into LA at about 6:50 this morning from a long weekend in Vegas. I had a great time even though there were some bumps along the road. But really, when are there not any bumps?  The sad part about the trip though is that I have no picture documentation to memorialize our adventures. I was so busy working that I forgot to take time out to show how much fun we were having.

David won $500 on the craps table!  I lost $40 playing slots...rather, make that $45 because while we were waiting for someone I stuck $5 in a Sex and the City slot machine and lost it in like 45 seconds.  World record.  I did learn how to play video roulette and I built up a substantial "pot" so I pulled my $20 out and used their money to keep playing other games, which I lost back anyway. It's ok. It was all good & fun.

We did get to go see Jabbawockeez show at Monte Carlo and it was AMAZING!

I'm starting to feel a little bit under the weather though. I'm not sure if it has to do with the dramatic drop in temperature between Saturday and Sunday in Vegas, then coming back to LA and it's even cooler.


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