Wednesday, June 15, 2011

new (old) poetry

Do you know what is really hard?  Tracking down authors, sometimes, that are featured in literary journals. I am in LOVE with this poem, and it's really rare that I find "new poetry" that catches my attention.  I was just going through some journals I'm considering submitting to, and stumbled across the poem which is now my favorite poem of the moment.  It's called "Lesson on the Letter S" by poet Jaimee Hills and it was published in Blackbird:

S is for sin. I knew what we were in for.
How could we exist without an exit?

He called me his apostrophe, a she, his little rib.
What soul? What self? I wanted to be singular.

In the beginning, there was light, but it was slight,
a soft wan-colored swan, a shallow lake to slake

our thirsty throats, an often hallow place. But a slow hiss
announced itself. The windswept willows wept.

At thirty, my possessive ex and I were fruitful,
peaking naked, multiplied our sex. But soon,

his low snaked tongue, in speaking, forked
our sour sons, our daughter and myself with words

of swords and I returned, both cursed and cured,
ears seared with newfound knowledge,

turned our laughter into slaughter.


I love it.  Too bad I can't email her to tell her [!]


Right now I am working on a short story that started as a journal exercise in my creative writing class. I just don't know how to end it. I've always had a problem with endings. I don't like my characters to stop moving. But I can't write out their whole lives I suppose.

If there is someone out there in the world who wants to help me, please let me know!  I am open to honest, constructive criticism. I'm a big girl. Sometimes.

NTS: Learn how to watermark in MS word.

ok, that's all I wanted to share for now. BYEEEE.


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