Sunday, July 3, 2011

blah-dy sunday

so i quit smoking again. for the third time. bleh. it is so annoying to go through this crankiness every time. i turn into such a raging B and i don't even want to be around myself.  i need to avoid any contact with anyone who is smoking because i have zero willpower.  if it wasn't for david not letting me steal his cigarette from him last night i would have already failed :(  so i guess that's good. *sigh*

i saw transformers 3 last night. *zzzzzzzzzzzzz* wish i could have that time and money back. of course i fell asleep, but not until after laughing at the first 30 minutes and the premise that JFK ordered the moon landing after we discovered autobots or decepticons or whatever on the moon. so stupid.

i have one of my "midterm" exams for one of my summer classes. i keep forgetting how much i hate preparing for these exams. i would rather have a multiple choice test, or if we could just answer one or two of these questions..but six.  and we have to have 6 - 12 pages typed up. wahhhh.  but then i guess i would be complaining about it if it were the other way around, so i guess i should just be grateful.

welp, this is 4th of july weekend. next weekend i might go to a craft open house, then the weekend after going out for one of my bff's birthday to a night club (i sound so old saying that), then the following weekend driving up the coast, and then finally the weekend after that is my birthday!  GOD WILLING!


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